the idea that kumiko get the same amount as me is a mistake . 久美子が 私と同じだけ遺産を もらったのが間違いなのよ。
she is paid the same amount as the postmaster of sheboygan , wisconsin . ウィスコンシンのシボイガン郡の 郵便局長の給料と同じだ
generally , for many taihan (large scale domain ) of tozama (outside feudal lord ) that experienced few relocation throughout the edo period and which shoryo was not distributed , omote-daka was still the same amount as calculated by taiko kenchi (hideyoshi toyotomi ' s nationwide land survey ) or land survey in the early edo period , despite that large scale of development of new field had been conducted , and as a result , some areas like ou , where originally was underdeveloped area , there was a big difference between omote-daka and uchi-daka , for example , the sendai domain ' s omote-daka was 620 thousands koku crop yield while its uchi-daka was one million koku . 一般に、江戸時代を通じて転封が少なく、所領も分散していない外様の大藩は、表高が太閤検地や江戸時代初期の検地で打ち出した表高そのままで大きな新田開発を行っている場合が多く、もともと後進地域だった奥羽などでは仙台藩62万石の内高約100万石のように表高と内高に大きな差がある。